Thursday, February 2, 2012

What's The Story Morning Glory...I forgot The Rest Of The Song

This morning I felt like such a scholar reading, American Artist on Art, over a warm cup of coffee, no words would fool me today. My brain laughing away and saying, “Girl you got to be kidding, you ain’t no art historian.” Being on a high of art terms I soon took a little tumble, when I thought the word monument read Muhammad. To me Oldenburg answer read “There’d been talk about a competition for a Muhammad to Ellis Island.” I mean I was off, but at least I was on the same page, both words having the letter M,U,N. I regained my confidence though when Oldenburg response to his confession of what monument definition was said, “At the beginning, I didn’t think of it that way.” I wanted to say me too Oldenburg, me too.

(Note: Notice how I made my brain’s attitude of a black girl? I figure since my brain is closest to my hair, which is so coarse it’s sometimes considered African American hair, it was appropriate to give my thoughts a little a-ti-tude. You have to snap in between the syllabus or it won’t be funny, now try again.)

(Note: first spelled appropriate like apriproate, so I typed into google the only sentence that seemed right, appropriate ways to bring up death.” I have a sick mind.)

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