Friday, February 3, 2012

I got 99% problems, but spelling ain't one

You know when you try to help a friend by telling her that her ex-boyfriend’s new hookup buddy is hideously ugly, while trying to think of a really funny description for this hideous beast? What happens when you spell the descriptive word so wrong that she replies, “oh that sounds disgusting, but what is it?” Welcome to the life of Tori Piskin.  I told my friend that the new girl in her ex-lovers life looks like an octopus, but the dyslexic that I am I spelled it octo piss. Since I knew that was definitely wrong I tried Octopuss.  When I try to sound words out I try to relate the syllables to already existing word that I know. So here is how a Dyslexic breaks up a word.
(Please hold laughter in until the end of the post.)
 I came up with Octo because it sounds like octagon and that’s a very sophisticated word so I felt like it had to fit in somewhere. Puss came out of, just what you think, the puss that comes out of a pimple.  Although this strategy sounds reliable, most of the time it leads me to having to relay on Google for the right spelling. Since I spell words so miserably wrong I have to put it into a sentence. “An octopuss has many legs.” Maybe since google knows my striking out ability of missed spelled words, it didn’t even give me an options of how to spell it correctly. The lovely google just took away the extra S. Who needs a lover or tutor when you have google. 

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