Thursday, February 16, 2012


It just slipped, no I didn’t criticize a boy's ghetto necklace again. Unfortunately for me the necklace ended up being his mothers, who was dying ,of breast cancer.  My comment this time was way less embarrassing and didn't cause a twenty year old kid to tear up at a bar. I just told my teacher that when I was younger I thought every color was orange. I thought he might feel so sorry for me that he would exempt me from having to write the paper. Maybe I didn’t understand the material because I kept looking at his large face in relation to his body. Or maybe it was his cheap tie from H&M, or his facial hair that was distracting me. It sounds like I don’t really like him, but surprisingly I really admire him as a teacher. Maybe because he seems to share the same problem as me, the fate disease. If you haven’t heard of the disease, it’s okay because I made it up. The meaning of it is not really that hard to understand, It sounds exactly like what is. I mean this was made up by a dyslexic, we think simple. How do I know the teacher shares the same disease as me? When he tried to explain how human minds complicate events, he related it to his first date with his girlfriend. WARNING RUN ON SENTENCE AHEAD. He said on his first date he thought it meant something that they were both wearing purple and the fact that she was wearing a low cut shirt, which he maybe though meant she wanted sex, but then she was wearing boots up to her skirt, which could mean she was conservative. After he took a breath on the skirt comment, I wanted to say maybe she was a Orthodox Jew trying out what it would be like to be reform. Don't worry I  didn't say this. I learned my lesson the first time....and the second time when I made another insensitive comment. When I happen to blurt out that my dad's patients looked like a rapist. My dad comment back was that this so-called "rapist" had run away from his alcoholic wife with his two kids and lived in a trailer. Did I mention he didn't have a car and had to walk on the Long Island Expressway to get grocery and pick up his girls from ballet? This is why I think I should convert to Christianity so I could go to confession. The priest might start charging after me. 

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