Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Mind Is Like A Boy Going Through Puberty...It Takes Patience

Some times my mind takes a little time to process information. This girl in my class kept bringing up the word Sirius. I kept thinking Sirius, who is Sirius? OH, Sirius Black? No, No, Sirius Slither Snake? No Tori those are two different characters from Harry Potter. Then I realized she was talking about Sirius radio. This type of miss confusion with words has happen to me, many, many times. I am like a little boy at night who pees in his bed. Sometimes we can't control our problems. Mind over matter I say. In the same class we were discussing Bobby Moynihan. This name sounded very formula to me, but instead of trying to figure out who this person ones, I just kept thinking of other famous people with the name Bobby. Bobby Brown, Bobby Fisher, and then I thought wait, who is Bobby Fisher again? The only reason I knew who Bobby Brown was because I could picture in my mind Kathy Griffin doing her famous impression of Whitey Houston, screaming Bobby, Bobby! Even in the simple game of charades, which could be played by three year-old and up, my dyslexia stabbed me in the heart once again. In this game of charades I had to figure out what character my friend was acting out. All that kept coming to my mind was Annie. When a dyslexic has a word in their mind they just keep repeating it until it can be used in a proper sentence. I am like those people on the train that read the dictionary and try to use one of their "A" words throughout the day. Hoping to use the word correctly at least once. Even though my friend kept nodding her head no after I said Annie, Annie, her roommate, who seemed to have a rare eating disorder of always being hungry for Donuts, every hour on the hour, turned to me and said in a nasty tone, "She said three words, three words." And you know what I said to her...Sorry Bitch I couldn't hear you with the donuts coming out from every whole of your body! I didn't actually say that, but I wish I did because it's much funnier then what I actually said which was, Oh sorry.

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