Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Never Ask A Dyslexic For Directions

 I have lived in NYC for all of my life, but I still get lost and end up having to ask people for directions. As a dyslexic, you can never be afraid to look like a tourist, even in your own city. Sadly one summer my friend from the South, had remembered how to get back to my sister's apartment when I could not. I have come to realize I don't know if my lack of direction skills comes from being dyslexic or a trait I have inherited from my mother's family..The Simons. My uncle who isn't dyslexic, but claims he has Adult ADD, had once forgotten how to get back to my house in Long Island. My uncle would have probably kept driving around in circles, if it wasn't for my dad spotting him on his way home and helping him find his way. My mother is not only dyslexic, but also a Simon, which should explain why she had once driven to New Jersey instead of to our upper east side apartment when she was coming from Soho. Since I am a clone of my mother, it doesn't come across as bizarre that a blind women gave me directions on a Boston T map. To make myself feel better, I think she wasn't fully blind because she new exactly where the stop was on the map. Maybe she was just trying to be blind for a day, but whatever her intentions were it made me realize sometimes I just have to laugh at my life. But, If the seeing eye dog gave me directions then i could go home and feel sorry for myself.

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