Sunday, January 29, 2012

There A First Time For Everything

Give me a beat, give me a beat! Yo, here a story about a dyslexic girl living in the real world and that all she knows! No but seriously that all I know, I can't rhyme for shit.

 You probably are wondering why a dyslexic is starting a blog? It's called a challenge. It's a similar situation to when the most unattractive male in a bar tries to hit on the pretty girls. We all know that eventually they will get turned down. The moral of the story is and I think this is what their therapist/mothers are telling them, AT LEAST YOU TRIED! So hear I am putting my Dragon Dictate software to good use! For those of you who aren’t my roommates who constantly have to hear me talking to myself, Dragon Dictate is a software where I talk into a headset and it types what I am saying. Similar to the headsets people use to play world of warcrafts. Instead of telling people where to shoot or Chat Roulette users using their hands for other pleasurable activities, I am using my headset to write sophisticated sentences. I thought sophisticated was spelled sufisticated. 

WARNING: Due to no spell checker present, side effects include misspelled and run on sentences.

Think of my blog in this way, if you ever wanted to be a teacher to the Learning Disabled community, instead of going through the hassle of getting your teachers Degree and having to find a job, you can just edit my work and feel the same satisfaction.
Before I adieu, I would like to make another connection between a dyslexic and my idol, Biggie Smalls.
This is for all the teachers that said I couldn’t amount to nothing. 

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