Monday, January 30, 2012

If You Can't Spell Dyslexic, You Are Dyslexic.

In attempting to receive some laughs, I hung this photo above my bed of the famed dyslexic, Albert Einstein. The laughs were suppose to come from old Albert citing some Eminem lyrics, but I soon realized the joke was on me. You probably have guessed it by now, dyslexic is spelled wrong. Ding Ding Ding. If you recognized this you are most likely not dyslexic, so I just spared you thousand of dollars worth of testing. If you are dyslexic and recognized the spelling error you are either becoming a better reader, so finally those summers spent at reading camps and tutors are paying off or just simple luck. Most likely it was just luck, but I'll give you the satisfaction of decoding those hard words. Decoding, fancy word right? The only reason I know how to spell it or know the word because It's always associated with my name. "Tori, try decoding this word" If only they knew every time I was saying "This Shit again." It's like when rats have to go back into hiding when the owners come home. They're saying the same thing as me, "This shit again."

Sunday, January 29, 2012

There A First Time For Everything

Give me a beat, give me a beat! Yo, here a story about a dyslexic girl living in the real world and that all she knows! No but seriously that all I know, I can't rhyme for shit.

 You probably are wondering why a dyslexic is starting a blog? It's called a challenge. It's a similar situation to when the most unattractive male in a bar tries to hit on the pretty girls. We all know that eventually they will get turned down. The moral of the story is and I think this is what their therapist/mothers are telling them, AT LEAST YOU TRIED! So hear I am putting my Dragon Dictate software to good use! For those of you who aren’t my roommates who constantly have to hear me talking to myself, Dragon Dictate is a software where I talk into a headset and it types what I am saying. Similar to the headsets people use to play world of warcrafts. Instead of telling people where to shoot or Chat Roulette users using their hands for other pleasurable activities, I am using my headset to write sophisticated sentences. I thought sophisticated was spelled sufisticated. 

WARNING: Due to no spell checker present, side effects include misspelled and run on sentences.

Think of my blog in this way, if you ever wanted to be a teacher to the Learning Disabled community, instead of going through the hassle of getting your teachers Degree and having to find a job, you can just edit my work and feel the same satisfaction.
Before I adieu, I would like to make another connection between a dyslexic and my idol, Biggie Smalls.
This is for all the teachers that said I couldn’t amount to nothing.